
Тьерри Борнье (Thierry Bornier) — фотограф

Thierry Bornier родился во Франции. Долгое время жил в США, где получил образование МВА, в области финансов. Работал финансовым директором в одной из компаний в Нью-Йорке с 2001 по 2008 год. Но страсть к фотографии заставила  Тьерри Борнье уехать в Юньнань, одну из самых красивых провинций Китая, где в настоящее время он живет, и работает фотографом, а также организует индивидуальные и групповые семинары

С 2010 года фотоработы Тьерри Борнье начинают публиковать в журнале National Geographic, к примеру, одной из первых была фотография на рисовых полях Юаньяна (провинция Хэнань) на юге Китая. К настоящему времени Thierry Bornier имеет многочисленные публикации и заслуженные победы в различных фотоконкурсах.

Район Yuanyang 元阳梯田- в русской транскрипции Юаньян (или Юэн Янг, если на слух) и находится на юго-востоке провинции Юньнань, практически на границе с Лаосом

His passion in photography has evolves in both avenue to capture the moment of truth in high fashion and landscape. When Thierry Bornier started traveling he found southwest China compose the most beautiful landscapes where he call home in Yunnan. In 2008 until now he never rest his desire of working as a Photographer.

Thierry Bornier has roamed the most incredible locations , he climbs up to the highest point in order to dominate the view and waits for long hours to obtain ideal lighting conditions . we could misjudge and confuse his images with paintings given the brightness of the colors and the structured character of the forms and lines

Thierry Bornier did study by himself his own technics of lighting using Internet to understand the concept and never stop to trying to improve. For him Photography lighting is like cooking after learning the based you can try everything to create new taste, new mood and that is unlimited.

Thierry Bornier also find inspiration from some amazing painters, as Leonardo De Vinci and Rembrandt for their portraitures and lighting or from nature painters as Claude Monet or Vincent Van Gogh. Capturing beauty of people, fashion, nature or landscape has different approach and very challenging but if you love your work, you will never stop to learn. The best school is about to be curious and learn from others.

Thierry Bornier believe what the nature give us as beauty will one day be gone forever because of our climate change and maybe what we do capture today will be just memories from Photographer leaving traces of our wonderful earth. China is for him an amazing country full of so many places for landscapes and encourage everyone love nature to come to discover this dreamy lands of beauty

He as been published countless times in National Geographic and has received numerous distinctions . (Photographer of the year One eye land in 2014 , Gold medal for PX3 Paris 2015 , Finalist of the Lensculture Prize etc)

Тьерри Борнье (Thierry Bornier)