Александр Хохлов (Alexander Khokhlov) — фотограф
Александр Хохлов (Alexander Khokhlov) родился в Калькутте, Индия, 9 мая 1982 года. Сейчас работает в Москве. Как коммерческий студийный фотограф Alexander Khokhlov начал фотографировать в 2008 году. С 2013 года Alexander Khokhlov работает со своей женой, дизайнером и ретуширующим экспертом Вероникой Ершовой. Особое признание получила их серия работ «Красота и 2D или не 2» которую они создали совместно с визажистом Валерией Куцан.

Photographer Alexander Khokhlov is known worldwide for his eye-tricking portraits based on the mix of face-art and different textures. The wildly popular black and white Weird Beauty series and coloured 2D or not 2D were created in 2012 and 2013. A mixture of face art (Valeriya Kutsan), photography and complicated post-production (Alexander Khokhlov and Veronica Ershova) allowed the creation of two-dimensional posters.

The work Silhouette from Weird Beauty series was chosen as main promo image of 11th Dubai Film Festival and featured in the book Illusion Confusion: The Wonderful World of Optical Deception by famous publishing house Thames & Hudson (London). In 2016 2D or not 2D series and Alexander Khokhlov’s interview were featured in «Connect the World» show by CNN channel.

The result of reincarnation of Marge Simpson made by Alexander and Veronica (MUA) in 2014 was scary but attracting — the YouTube backstage video went viral and got more than 1,700 000 views, provoked many copiers and is still popular.

Alexander’s works and interviews are featured in world mass media including USA Today, CNN, Fox Tv, NBC News, SBS (Australia), Scientific American MIND, Professional Photographer, Talk Magazine, Huffington Post, The Daily Mail, Wired, Holland Herald, Stern, 20 minutos, Quotation, Life magazine, Petapixel.com, Phlearn.com and others.

Также, любителям мульт-сериала «Симпсоны» смотрите ролик, созданный в 20014 г. и собравший более 1735000 просмотров / of reincarnation of Marge Simpson